The Number of Subforums

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The Number of Subforums

Post by Exawatt »

...needs to be reduced. I mean, until there's enough members to warrant having this many subforums, there's way too many.

I suggest combining Video/How_To and Video/Showroom into one, as well as Graphics/Renders and Graphics/Showcase. Then, have a guideline that uses tags in the topic subject to specify whether it's a [HowTo]/[Tutorial] or whatever.

WoW should be one subforum, using a similar tagging procedure when it applies. For example, what if I wanted to discuss a 2v2 strategy? Where does it go? Under Mage or Warrior? [Mage+Warrior] tag FTW.
What if I had a PvE or Add-on question? Or is it just PvP? :?

Now, this only gets rid of two subforums and all subsubforums, but that's two less to see empty and think the site is deserted. And that's my two cents.
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Re: The Number of Subforums

Post by GamingSanctum »


and I hadn't decided how I was gunna monitor the WoW section, so i stopped adding.